The term ‘Global Entry’ refers to a program run by the CBP (Customs and Border Protection) agency in the United States. It allows low-risk, pre-approved travelers to enjoy fast-tracked clearance when they arrive in the United States. Members of the program can enter the US via automatic kiosks. These kiosks are, however, not available at all airports. Continue reading to find out more.
How does it work?
When they arrive at a participating airport, members of the Global Entry program can go straight to a Global Entry kiosk and present a machine-readable permanent resident card or passport. The next step is to pass through fingerprint scanning to get your fingerprints verified. After that comes the member will go through custom declaration and then the kiosk will issue the member with a receipt for the transaction and direct him or her to baggage claim. Once they have their baggage, they can leave the airport.
To take part in the Global Entry program, you have to be pre-approved. Every applicant will be subjected to a personal interview and a stringent background check before being allowed to become a member.
Note: Although Global Entry aims to expedite the process, individual members could still be identified for additional questioning upon their arrival. Anyone who violates any of the terms and conditions of the program will face the applicable enforcement action and their membership of the program could be terminated.
What are the benefits of the Global Entry program?
In today’s fast-paced world, very few people like to waste time. As a member of the Global Entry program that has been pre-screened and approved, you will be able to go straight to the Global Entry kiosk upon arrival in the US and, from there, collect your luggage and be on your way.
Reasons to join the Global Entry Program
- Processing lines will be something of the past for you.
- There is no need for any paperwork.
- Wait times are drastically reduced.
- You will also enjoy fast-tracked entry into certain overseas countries.
- The program is available at most of the bigger airports in the US.
Eligibility: Who qualifies to join Global Entry?
The Global Entry program is open to all citizens of the United States, as well as those who have lawful permanent residency status.
Citizens and residents of these countries can also apply to join Global Entry:
Argentina, Brazil, Bahrain, India, Colombia, United Kingdom, Germany, The Netherlands, Panama, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, and Mexico. Residents and citizens of Canada can enjoy Global Entry benefits if they join the NEXUS program.
Note: You should be aware that, depending on your particular country, you might have to comply with additional requirements. If you are younger than 18 years, you will also need the permission of your parent(s) or legal guardian to take part in the Global Entry program.
Are there any reasons I might not qualify for the Global Entry Program?
Yes, there are, in fact, quite a few reasons why you could be refused membership. These include:
- You provided incomplete or false information when you filled in the application form.
- You have been found guilty of a criminal offense.
- You have criminal charges pending against you.
- Warrants are outstanding against you, including driving a vehicle while under the influence.
- You have been found guilty of breaking any agricultural, immigration, or customs regulations in any country.
- You have been found guilty of breaking the law in the US or anywhere else.
- You are currently the subject of an active investigation by any local, state, or federal law enforcement government agency.
- Your application to buy a firearm has been rejected.
- You are unable to convince CBP that you are a low-risk applicant.
- You are not admissible to the US under immigration regulations. This includes applicants who have parole documentation or inadmissibility waivers.
Are there special requirements related to children?
The Global Entry system does not have any minimum requirement in terms of age – but if you are younger than 18, you will have to get the permission of your legal guardian or parent to take part in the program. There is, however, no need for them to be a member of the Global Entry program.
Irrespective of your age, you have to do the following:
- Open an online account for the Global Entry Enrollment System.
- Pay the relevant application fee. This is currently $100 and can not be refunded.
- Make arrangements for an interview at one of the Global Entry Enrollment Centers. If you are not yet 18 years old, your legal guardian or parent will have to be present during the interview.
More information on how the Global Entry application system works
- Before you apply, ensure that you qualify for Global Entry membership.
- Now open a TTP (Trusted Traveler Program account. Irrespective of his or her age, every applicant should have their own TTP (Trusted Traveler Program) account.
- Next, log in to the TTP account you have created and continue with the application.
- Pay the required $100 application fee by using a credit card or electronic bank transfer.
- Make arrangements for an interview at one of the Global Entry Enrollment Centers.
Upon receipt of a properly completed application, Customs and Border Patrol will carry out a review. If they conditionally approve your application, you will get a notice in your TTP account to arrange an interview at the nearest Global Entry Enrollment Center.
When you go for the interview, make sure that your passport is still valid and take it with you. Also, take another type of identification, for example, an ID card or driver’s license. If you are a legal permanent resident of the US, you will also have to take your machine-readable permanent resident card with you to the interview.
EoA or Enrollment on Arrival
This program, run by the CBP, allows applicants for the Global Entry system who have been conditionally approved to attend the required interview when they arrive in the United States. It removes the need for such an applicant to go for an interview at an enrollment center in the United States.
Upon arriving at an international airport in the US, such an applicant should simply follow the signs showing the way to the CBP office, where the officers will then conduct the necessary Global Entry interview as part of the admissibility inspection.
If you suffer from a disability and need help during your Global Entry interview, you should, upon arrival for the interview, let the interviewing officer know that you need additional service, aid, or modification before you can take part in the interview.
Please take note that if you request such as service, aid, or modification and it is unavailable at that moment, the CBP might reschedule the interview for a later date.
You should have the following documentation ready when arriving for an EoA interview:
- An unexpired passport. If you have been issued two or more passports, bring all of them to the interview to enable the staff to add the necessary info to your file. This will enable you to use any of these passports in the future when you check in at the Global Entry kiosk after arriving in the United States.
- Documents to prove your residency, for example, a mortgage statement, driver’s license with a valid address, utility bill, or a rental payment statement. Minors don’t have to comply with this requirement. If you have a permanent resident card, you should also bring that to the interview.